
Wrongful Death and General Negligence

Negligence is legally defined as the failure to use reasonable care resulting in damage or injury to another. If you have been injured as the result of someone else’s negligence, contact the Miami personal injury attorneys at Friedland | Carmona today! The attorneys at Friedland | Carmona can assist you in obtaining compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering and any scarring or disfigurement the accident has caused.

Negligence occurs in a variety of ways, but it always results from the same types of inaction—the negligent person either failed to do what a reasonable person would do in the same or similar circumstances or the negligent party failed to use a certain degree of care to protect the injured party. If you have suffered injuries as the result of another’s reckless or careless actions, you have the right to be compensated for your injuries.

Some types of general negligence accidents include:

  • Wrongful Death: Losing your loved one as a result of another’s negligence or carelessness is an angering and devastating experience. The attorneys at Friedland | Carmona can investigate your loved one’s death, handle the insurance companies, and fight for the compensation you deserve.
  • Motor Vehicle Accidents: If you have been injured as a result of another’s reckless or careless driving the Miami car accident attorneys at Friedland | Carmona can help you recover the compensation you are rightfully owed from the insurance companies.
  • Slip/Trip and Falls: Property owners and managers owe a duty to their occupants to maintain their premises free from any dangerous conditions that are not readily foreseeable. If you slip or trip on another’s property and sustain injuries as a result of your fall, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. The Miami slip and fall attorneys at Friedland | Carmona will fight to help you recover compensation for any medical expenses, lost wages and scarring or disfigurement caused by the accident.
  • Dog Bites: While a dog bite can be a traumatic experience, it can also lead to serious injury, resulting in permanent disfigurement, permanent scarring, or sometimes, even death. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries stemming from a dog’s bite or any other animal attack, please call the Miami dog bite lawyers at Friedland | Carmona. The attorneys will work to ensure that you are fairly compensated for your medical bills, pain and suffering and any other economic damage you’ve incurred.
  • Workplace Injuries/Construction Site Injuries: Employees expect to work in safe conditions and employers owe a duty to their employees to provide safe working conditions. Workplace injuries can include run-ins with equipment, defective power tools, collapsing ladders or scaffolding, slip and falls, forklift incidents, etcetera. If you or anyone you know has suffered injuries as a result of unsafe working conditions, contact the Miami worker’s compensation lawyers at Friedland | Carmona to discuss your compensation options.
  • Nursing Home Abuse: Nursing homes owe a high duty of care to their residents; yet, nursing homes often breach their duty in an effort to maximize profits. Many nursing homes are either understaffed or are staffed by unqualified individuals, which poses a risk to their residents. If your loved one has suffered Nursing Home Negligence or Abuse, call the Miami nursing home neglect lawyers at Friedland | Carmona today to discuss your options.
  • Defective Products: Product liability arises when a manufacturer places a dangerous and defective product in the market that causes injury to its consumers. Consumers use a variety of products every day that, if defective, can cause serious injury or death, including automobiles, electronics, furniture and medications. Companies and manufacturers that produce dangerous and defective products are responsible for injuries that are caused by those defective products. If you have been injured during the use of a dangerous and defective product, call the Miami product defect lawyers at Friedland | Carmona to discuss your options today!
  • Medical Malpractice: Every day, thousands of people entrust doctors with their lives. However, doctors and hospitals (and other healthcare professionals) make mistakes that can cause catastrophic injury or even death to their patients. Medical malpractice claims require the use of experts and are extremely technical. As a victim of medical malpractice, you need an attorney who is familiar with Florida law in these types of cases. Call the Miami medical malpractice attorneys at Friedland | Carmona to review the facts of the case and your medical records and advise you as to your options.

You need an experienced Florida Trial Lawyer to fight for your recovery! Jonathan Friedland has been handling cases involving general negligence in the state of Florida for over twenty years. Call the Miami personal injury lawyers at Friedland | Carmona today for a FREE consultation. Mr. Friedland will meet with you to discuss your options and actions that need to be taken. Many victims never receive the compensation they deserve because they are unsure if they have a claim. The Hialeah accident lawyers at Friedland | Carmona understand how difficult of a time this is for you and ask that you let our family take care of your family. Call Friedland | Carmona at 305-661-2008 or fill out the contact information to your left to receive your FREE consultation.

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